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AP Govt’s attempts buy phone tapping equipment:WikiLeaks


WikiLeaks revealed that AP Government is negotiating with vendors  in USA, to purchase phone tapping equipment. WikiLeaks said that Andhra Pradesh State Government has held discussions with and IT consultancy company for purchase of phone tapping equipments. Source said that AP intelligence staff held discussions with Ortus Company in this regard.
The Andhra Pradesh Police Intelligence Unit was looking into buying cellular interception hardware solutions at a potential cost of $1-1.2 million in June 2015 reveals.

It said that WikiLeaks revealed the e-mails between a Hyderabad based consulting company Ortus Consulting and Hacking Team, a US based surveillance company, have come out in the latest tranche of emails leaked be WikiLeaks. These emails reveal conversation between the ortus representative Prabhakar Kasu and Daniel from Hacking Team. The government is prepared to pay Rs.7.5 Crore toward this end.

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Jillur Rahman

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